Categories of Membership
Membership is open to diagnostic radiologists, radiologists in training, radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and radiology technologists. Membership in the SFBRS is an entrance into organized radiology, including the California Radiological Society (CRS) and the American College of Radiology (ACR). Organized radiology exists to promote standards of excellence in practice and science and to assure that radiology is treated fairly in political and socioeconomic deliberations.
Active Member: (Annual Dues $50) Active membership shall be available to those physicians or scientists with an advanced professional degree who have valid credentials indicating their professional activity--either medical, investigational, or educational--whose professional activity is dedicated to the practice and/or investigation of radiology or the radiological sciences. Active members shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Society including the privileges of voting and holding office.
Physician in Training: (Annual Dues $0) Physician in training status shall be available to residents and fellows currently in training programs in radiology and related disciplines,. Members in training shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Society except voting and holding office. Members in training shall be eligible to serve on volunteer committees.
For all matters related to the Society please contact the President:
Ravi Alagappan, M. D.
San Francisco Bay Radiology Society
1180 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415 563 0185 Fax: 415 563 1506